Give Good Energy · Director's Cut | BIOLITE
Give Good Energy was a concept BioLite had to kick off the holiday season. It showcased BioLite's network of ambassadors and gave thanks to those close to them. Because all of the clips were filmed individually by each ambassador using a multitude of different cameras and audio recording equipment, it was a challenge creating a cohesive final product that looked and sounded fluid. I created a director's cut to put more emphasis on sound design, flow, and music that I thought the final product I delivered per BioLite's wishes lacked.

Oktoberfest on the FirePit | BIOLITE
I spent a week with the BioLite team at their Brooklyn HQ shooting various projects around the office- one of which was with Ted, a local butcher and brother of one of the BioLite team members. This one was more spur of the moment, and created a challenge capturing a good variety of angles in a tight space. Luckily, Ted was a pleasure to work with and was happy to repeat some steps to make sure I got what I needed (which included one of those tasty sandwiches after filming concluded).
Social Promotions | BIOLITE
BioLite wanted a quick and simple video series for social channels that allowed them to advertise new promotions utilizing existing assets. The result is a graphic heavy series that was promoted on Instagram and Facebook during multiple sales periods.

CampStove 2 Climate Neutral Edition | BIOLITE
After a shoot in NW Washington state, we yielded plenty of assets to put together a few informative and product overview videos. This one quickly details the CampStove 2 Climate Neutral Edition, a hot take on BioLite's most successful stove system.
Preparedness Month Bundles | BIOLITE
Preparedness Month is an annual promotion BioLite runs that bundles some existing products into emergency kits. This year, three unique and different sized kits were presented through the overview videos above. From shooting the flat-lays in the thumbnails, the interview style shots and voiceover, to some of the b-roll included in each video, this project was the culmination of many different shoots and mediums. It was interesting being able to do a bit more of the puzzle piecing in post production.